Logo Smartz

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Business Stationery Pro

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Imapcts of Redesigning your Logo?

Business Logo Design

The power of business logos lies in their capacity to be recalled by the customers. Usually, the customers memorize a brand because of its products / services, tagline and imagery existence. Thus, the design of a logo is considered as a major cause behind the failure or success of a business. Some logo designs become an immediate hit & captivate the clients, others may take years to get familiarized with the clients.

Even small changes in the logo design can have a large impact on the brand equity. The people who memorize your products or services via your current logo may not be able to recall your business via your new logo. However, sometimes, it is good to make a new logo for your business.
customizable logo samples

Effects of Redesigning Logo

Positive Effects
  • Improves your logo design
  • Updates and strengthens your brand image
  • Increases customers’ attention
  • Redesigning logo means your company is dynamic
  • New customers get attracted to your business

Negative Effects

  • Incurs huge cost
  • It is difficult to relate the new logo design to your business
  • New logo might not be well-liked by some customers
  • New design can harm the business’s goodwill and integrity

Making a Catchy Slogan for Your Logo

To come up with a catchy slogan for your business logo, follow these steps:

  1. Brainstorming – Make a list of all words coming in your mind which describe your company.
  2. Word describing function – Choose the word describing the functional aspect of your product/service. For instance – if you are running a restaurant, the functional aspect of your business will be ‘cuisine’.
  3. Word describing emotion – Select the word defining emotional benefits of your products / services for your customers. For instance – for restaurant, emotional benefit can be ‘mouth-watering’.
  4. Be creative – Don’t use common words that have been used by popular companies and brands. Make it totally unique.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Enviable Features of Logo Design Software

Logo design software program helps you to create awesome business logos just like the experts. By using attractive color schemes, smart drawing pens, rich effects & inbuilt symbols, it is very easy to create logos for print as well as for web. The software saves your energy and time in creating logos.

Here are the features which you would expect in your logo designing software:

  • Friendly user interface – The software offers friendly interface facilitating easy logo creation. Only a few easy clicks of mouse duplicate logo components and styles.
  • Attractive color schemes – There are many pre-set color schemes which can be chosen for your logos.
  • A large variety of special effects – You can utilize rich effects ranging from bevel to shadow and gradient, with the help of only one click of mouse. You can completely stylize your logo. 

    logo  design templates

  • Expert drawing and stylizing features – There are expert drawing tools and stylizing features available in the logo software program such as pen, brush, WYSIWYG interface and many others. Thus, you can create distinctive and unique logo designs for personal as well as business use.
  • Free resources – There are logo templates within the software which are free and are available under different categories of business, such as Real Estate, Information Technology, Entertainment and Arts, Comedy, Business, Marketing, etc. Help section is also available in the logo software to assist the users to create their logos easily.
  • Many formats for importing/exporting logos – Generally, the logo design tool include many formats for importing or exporting business logos. These formats include most common ones such as PNG, JPG, SWF, GIF, BMP and others.
  • Quick editing tools – The software has quick logo editing tools such as edit, cut, copy and paste etc.

The logo designing software with all these features is considered as the best software in all aspects.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Options to be Considered while Designing Company Logos

Company logos permit the companies to coagulate their branding activities and earn appreciation from the customers. Images, creative text and special effects tend to be incorporated in the logos. Some business owners find it very difficult to choose their logos due to different options available. So, they meet professional graphic designers who have experience in company logo design. The professional designers empty the pockets of businessmen, since their designing fees are too high. It is better if businessmen choose logo design software ‘Logo Smartz’ for logo making needs.

What would be the considerations in designing your company logos?

In your logo, your company’s name should be written in an attention-grabbing and clear way. It appears as if it is only a basic consideration. However, you have to determine which font color, style and size you have to use for incorporating your company’s name in the logo. Artistic font types are getting more popular in modern companies; while professional fonts or classic fonts are chosen to be used by other old businesses. The font to be chosen may also depend upon the industry you are in. For instance – a toy shop’s logo need not be too professional as real estate business’s logo. 

Logos look more striking if they have images along with the text showing the name of the company. But the image should be chosen carefully. You can consult somebody from the graphics designing field to help you choose suitable image for your logo.

Another consideration in designing company logos is the colors to be selected for both images and text. For selecting colors, many theories are given by experts as to which color combinations are the best for which industries. They have given recommendations for using colors in the logos wisely. Some colors might appear eye-catching to the viewers, but they don’t go with other features.

It seems that people are finding it very difficult to create their company logos. However, it is very important to obtain a good logo, because clients react to the logo if it is professional created. To have a top-quality logo design, hire some good logo design software only.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Purchase Logo Design Software for Mac?

Due to the technology becoming so advanced, it has become easier to find and purchase a good logo for your company. There are affordable but advanced, full-featured logo design software available in the market. This has eliminated the need of getting the logos designed from graphic design agencies that charge huge fees for the same. Logo software is particularly helpful when you have to design a logo for your start-up business. There are different types of logo software available, for Windows and Mac operating systems. Earlier, majority of the people were using Windows in their PCs. Now, logo creator for Mac is being put to great use because of increasing number of Mac users. A simple Google search will give you a list of different logo design software products available for you. You must look for the following features in your logo software…

  • Usually, people prefer the software programs which permit them to have scale-able logo designs. The logos need to be placed on different marketing materials. Thus, they have to be scale-able. Otherwise, they will not be clear and will ruin the whole purpose of making a logo.
  • There are basically two popular formats used for saving logos on your PCs, i.e. GIF and JPG. Ensure that your software permits you to save the logos in these formats.
  • Buy the software which has editing features, so that you can edit the logo whenever need arises.
  • Custom logo design also requires the software to have a great collection of fonts, including text fonts & decorative fonts.
  • Your logo creating software must be robust and scale-able like Logosmartz logo design software for Mac. The company selling the software should provide complete technical support in case of any assistance required by the user.

The logo software, if chosen correctly, can help you in designing really effective company logos.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Design Professional Logos with Logo Making Program

Due to strict competition in every industry, it takes months to find some customers and minutes to lose them. Thus, businesses always try to find new ways to create best first impression among their potential customers. Business Logos are a good tool for building a great first impression, & this impression shouldn’t be ordinary. Therefore, you need to design attractive yet professional logos.

Luckily, there are many logo making programs available out there which can be used to design beautiful logos quickly and easily. Most of them have inbuilt features like colors, fonts and symbols to insert in the logos. Import facility is provided in them to insert custom artwork in your logo. Several functions like stretching, layering, changing opacity and adding gradients etc. are quite easy to apply.

Take care of these points when you design your logo with logo making program…

The most important thing is keep the logo design simple. The logo will be used on different applications & different media. If visual effects, filters & transparencies are used to create a logo, printing cost increases greatly. Your logo should be timeless. Keep in mind the following peculiarities at the time of selecting an image.
  • Style: Because your logo will represent you & your business, you should select an image after due consideration of your targeted audience & company’s philosophy. There are several inbuilt images in the logo making tool out of which you can select the one.
  • Uniqueness: The image chosen for your logo design has to be unique to distinguish your business from others. Of course, you can get ideas from different logos but the resulting design has to be the only piece on the web.
  • Format: You have to guarantee that you select the best format for your images. Many logo maker programs support these image formats - PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF and TIFF.
The logo, its shape, size and color, font style etc. all should hold a special appeal in the eyes of the viewers. Create the best possible logo design by downloading a logo making program with efficient features.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How Logo Maker Software Can Benefit The Businesses?

Any firm can benefit from a high-quality logo design. Whether it is a start-up firm, a nonprofit venture or a well-established company, the quality and type of logo you select will tell everything about your business. Your potential clients will be having the first contact with your company through your logo, and they may move away from your business if your logo is poorly designed. So, you must know how you can get good logo design.

Company logo designers demand high fees. You can save hundreds of dollars that you could have spent on hiring creative logo developers by settling for logo maker software. There are a lot of logo software applications out there right now & it is your business goals and desire that will determine the type of software you choose.

A popular type of logo software now doesn’t design the logo from scratch… instead the users are given the options to use several semi-designed logo templates. You simply choose the one that best suits your business requirements and load it up in the editing window of the software. You can add text & color to your logo as per you wish. The software is affordable in most cases & it usually works well. You can add your own company's name or text which you want to associate with your company.

If you want to have a very high-quality, unique company logo, then you can go for higher logo maker software such as LogoSmartz. It presents more customizable components which you can edit, tone and twist to any taste.

Before now, getting a quality company logo was quite an expensive affair, because you had to hire company logo designers. To do it on your own, it needed a lot of learning in graphics designing. Now, you can create your own company logo with the help of software which is readily available on the internet at cheap rates. Remember that your company logo is like a door to your company… if it is bad, the visitors will simply turn back. So, hire a good logo maker software program now and create your logo.

Friday, July 27, 2012

LogoSmartz Logo Creator of Mac

Logosmartz logo creator of Mac will permit even the non-technical people to effortlessly and quickly compose high quality logos and beautiful graphics.
If you are in pressure to complete your logo design project quickly, you need not look here and there. With over 1800 logo templates included in LogoSmartz, you will be able to take benefit of different themes, color combinations and eye-catching effects. If you want, you can also import your own pictures and edit and tailor them to match your own unique design requirements. You can add special visual effects in logo in minutes. To create logo with LogoSmartz, you do not even require being proficient in designing.

The features of LogoSmartz logo creator of Mac include:

  •     Single click to add visual effects to the logo
  •     1800+ logo project templates
  •     More than1000 taglines & slogans
  •     5000+ vector graphics
  •     300+ text styles and fonts
  •     Export logo to PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF, TIFF and BMP

Your aim might be to enhance the appearance of your web page with beautiful logo having interesting effects. Earlier, you didn’t know about the LogoSmartz software. But now, when you have come to know about this software, you can use it to create your attractive logo. You might have read about other logo software tools available for Mac operating systems. However, they are very difficult to use. If you consider taking training to use them, it would be so costly and long procedure. With Logosmartz, no such issues will be there. Free demo for LogoSmartz logo creator of Mac is available, which would give you an idea on how the software works. I assure you that it is very simple to use.

Steps to create logo with Logosmartz are as follows:

  1.     Download & install LogoSmartz logo maker Mac. Installation takes only a little time. To download, visit the page - http://www.logosmartz.com/download_logosmartz.asp.
  2.     Start a new logo project or choose a logo template.
  3.     Replace or customize different symbols and graphics from the template by selecting from the library.
  4.     Customize visual effects and colors.
  5.     Export the logo to the website.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Logo Smartz Logo Maker Software

Logo Smartz is a desktop logo maker software application which is designed to help the small-scale businesses overcome their cost of designing business logos. The software is available only for $ 39.95 and guarantees each logo designed to be 100 percent original and unique. Where logo designing company delivers the logo design in 3 to 7 working days, this logo software can deliver the logo design in ½ to 1 hour, depending upon the features and details added to it. The software provides different graphic formats to save the logos, so that they become fully compatible with small businesses’ websites.

Benefits of Professional Logos Made With Logo Maker Software:

  • Brand recognition – Professional and well-designed logos will help your product or website get due recognition by online visitors. As the visitors browse the website, they look at pictures of your products. By looking at the pictures, they start imagining about those products in real. This may allure them to buy those products, and they remind your logo and brand for longer time to buy similar products in the future.

    To attract the visitors towards your site, you must choose attractive color schemes. Some businessmen invest thousands of dollars to get their logos designed. Then why can’t you spend even 39.95 dollars to buy a logo maker software application?

    buy a logo maker software

  • Web presence – Having a web banner with logo incorporated into it will be a nice step to take to obtain more visitors towards the website. Banners and logos are the two tools which helps you to make your online presence strong and solid. When the visitors visit a website and finds logo or banner, they think that they have reached at the right place.
  • Online reputation – When you deal with public, bloggers or other website owners, having a professional site with professional logo will help you build better relationship with peers. This will enhance your reputation in online market.

These things show how logo maker software is important for small businesses. The more professional, cohesive and attractive your logo looks, the easier it becomes for the business people to gain online presence.

Friday, July 13, 2012

About Logo Design Software

Introduction to Logo Software

The software that permits the users to create, edit, store and share graphical images like logos is known as logo design software. This software gives the users a complete control over the colors, shading & lighting, visual effects and filters so that they can design unique logos.

Types of Logo Software

Logo and graphics design software fall into 2 categories – vector and raster. They differ from each other in one major aspect, i.e. in changing the size of the logo. Vector graphics software allows the user to resize the logos when needed. On the other hand, raster graphics software does not allow the user to resize the logo as easily as with vector software.

You know that logos are used at different places and in different sizes. For example – On business card, the logo will appear in small size; and on highway billboard, it will be of very large size. If the user uses raster graphics software, he or she will have to make separate logo files to be used at both places. In vector graphics software, one logo image will fit both the uses.

  • Logo design software should offer features such as cross-platform compatibility with different operating systems such as Mac and Windows.


  • Since logos have to appear in letter heads, brochures and other documents, the features should be there to import and insert images in desktop publishing documents. It saves the time of the designers.
  • The software should create files which are usable on different operating systems. It makes sharing of files easier.


Logo and graphics design software products are available in both free versions and commercial versions. The choice of the users between these two versions will depend upon – the quality they need in their logo design, budget, whether they are small business or big business etc.

Benefits of Logo Design Software

The common alternative to logo designing with logo software is logo designing with pen and paper. The benefit of using logo software is that one can save his or her image to edit it later at any time and repeatedly.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tips to Design Good Logos with Logo Software

What is a logo? A logo is a distinctive characteristic of your corporate or personal website, business card, brochure, advertisement or document template. It helps your business to stand out among other businesses in the market place, and makes your clients or partners or business associates remember your solutions and products. Even if you do not have any business, you can still have your logo placed on your blog or web page. Such logo will help you to copyright your photographs published on the internet, or some art pieces which you have developed as your hobby or for fun.

What a good logo design is? A good logo has to be fulfilled in an imaginative way and has to be unique. It should not cause any confusion with other things. The clients should be impressed with your logo and they should be able to associate your logo with your company and should come back to you each time they need your product.

What you should do if you are not aware of the logo design process or if you are not skillful logo designer? You might be considering an alternative of consulting a specialist designer and getting the work completed from him or her. But do you realize that you would be losing a lot of money and time by following this alternative? You are capable to do this work yourself at no loss by employing programmed logo software.

Logo software is nothing but a handy application that lets you create logotypes in few moments only. You just select an image which corresponds best with what you are, from an image library, and customize it as per your tang. There are logo templates in the software which are created by specialist designers from the logo design field. Using templates does not mean that it limits your creativity in any way… you can use smart tools in the software to add special effects and text to the templates, resize and rotate pictures, change the color theme, and set the background according to your design needs.

In short, logo software will help you to make your logo personalized.   

Monday, June 25, 2012

Interesting Features of Logo Design Software

Nothing other than a catchy business logo can get the required attention of probable clients towards the business. Now, there are automated logo design software tools which can create logos quickly and without any pain. You do not have to be professional artists if you want to create eye-catching logos for your individual use or for your businesses. So you can get your logo representing your business completely within a few minutes only.

Logo software offers hundreds of different templates which can be used to create your own business’s icon. These templates let you make a piece which is entirely your own.  It will accurately reflect your business, and your own imagination and skill as a businessman.

Another feature which is offered in logo design software is a library of multiple images which are chosen by expert designers to include in the library. These images can be altered with the software according to your needs. Editing features in the tool are like Photoshop’s tools, and make it easy for the user to edit anything in the logo template. You might have worked in Photoshop, where you make alterations in the existing pictures with available tools. Logo software works in similar manner.

Though you do not require any experience in designing to use logo software, but you need to have at least a little knowledge of photo editing. This is essential so that you can use the software effectively to get appropriate design for your business logo. Some logo design tools are much advanced that they let you merge many images together and form an altogether new image to be used as logo. They also allow you to use multiple templates together to make complex logo design. All the features are included in logo design software with only one objective in mind, i.e. to create unique logo every time.

Caution – Most of the creative people would like to express much in a little space. Keep your basic idea of logo clean and concise. Decide in advance what you want to communicate through your logo, and focus only on that thing. If your message is too long, cut it little short. Try to replace text with the images and symbols, because an image is able to paint even hundreds of words. We can say that an ideal logo is the one which is eye-catching, direct and clean.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why is it Important to Match Company Logos with the Business Nature?

Designing company logos is a serious concern. Many a times, it happens that the website’s look doesn’t match the logo design, or the background color of the logo does not go with the theme of the website. At that time, the logo becomes ineffective to attract visitors. But, why is it so essential to match the logo with the website? Why you need to maintain harmony all across the website? Here, in this blog post, I am listing the points which would answer your questions and queries in a simple manner.

  1. Significance of the website’s look – Regardless of what type of business you are operating, your website should be presented in a beautiful manner so as to improve the amount of traffic to the site. It means the look of the site is very important. The sites looking great with explanatory and attractive company logos grab more attention of the clients and popper them on the web page.

  1. Explanatory logos – The company logos speak the words of the business. A mismatch between the business nature and logo design would result in declined business. Thus, my advice is that you make your logo in combination with your business setup. When any visitor would visit your site, he or she should be able to understand in one glimpse that what type of business you have.

  1. Logo Design Software – Since it is very important to match the web pages with the business, the logo design should also be well matched. The pictures, colors, themes, music, logo and all displayed on the home page would help in increasing the clients and expanding the business. If you are tensed that what to do, you can download a quality logo design software such as ‘Logo Smartz’ for getting help in designing your company logos. You can also hire professionals from logo design field, but they charge high fees, so software is a better option.

As a business owner, you need to be aware that conveying right message to the clients through the right business logo is very important. This will build up your credibility in the market place as well. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Special Offer on Corporate Identity Designer Software

Corporate identity designer software is a combination of 3 stunning designing products – Logo Smartz, Business Stationary Pro and Banner Designer Pro.

Logo Smartz is a unique logo maker software with more than 1800 professional and great pre-designed logo templates. It is available with 1000+ taglines and slogans. It also has more than 300 fonts and ready text styles for logo creation. You can export your logo in TIFF, PNG, GIF, PDF as per your requirements. Logo smartz available for both windows and MAC.

Business Stationary Pro- To customize your stationary. Create logo, business cards, newsletters, letterheads, envelops with readymade templates. Easily create logos of your name tags, address labels, CD covers, attractive covers and more. You can also use your own images to create designs of your choice.

Banner Designer Pro- Easily makes flash banners using attractive and readymade templates. You can make a banner in any of size as per your requirements. Add shapes, images and edit them according to your needs. Animate the banner with pre set animations and transitions.
Corporate identity designer software is now available on 50% off. Offer is available for limited period, Buy Now!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Create stunning designs with Business Stationary Pro

With Business Stationary Pro, you can create stunning designs for your office stationary as with pre- designed attractive templates. You can browse the software library to choose outstanding designs to give a professional looks to your office stationary as per your needs. You can create professional designs for many things including Brochures, Letterheads, Flyers, CD and Address Labels, Business Cards, Envelops, Announcements, Newsletters, Advertisements, Invitations and lot more.

These are some exciting features of Business Stationary Pro :-

Awesome Library of Graphics- you can choose stunning images and clipart form the collection of graphics library. You can also use fonts, shapes, circle, squares and more to give your office stationary a unique and attractive looks.

Visual Effects - you can also add various effect to your images and text to make you business stationary look better.

Data Insertion – you can easily insert data from you file to design. You can also add excel, character delimited (.txt, .csv) file to the template.

Variety of templates- we are having a huge collection of variety of templates for you design usage in our software library to make your stationary attractive.

Various printing options - This software has a great option that allows you to fit large number of images on a single sheet of paper.

This Logo maker software is available for Mac and windows. Get 50% discount on the software. Offer is available for limited period. Buy Today!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Which is the Best Logo Software?

With so many software products available on the internet, you might be confused that which software you should buy? Let me clear out a few things regarding logo software, so that it becomes easy for you to buy the right product.

Firstly, I should clarify this point that logo design software does not essentially mean Photoshop… it can be any graphics software that can design logos. If your logo is text-based, then also graphics software is right tool for you.

Secondly, MS PowerPoint and MS Word are not appropriate software applications for logo designing. MS PowerPoint is presentation software that is used to make slides; and MS Word is word processing software and you cannot think of utilizing it to make even text logos. Sometimes, the new designers in the field use drawing tools present in such programs to create logos, but it causes many problems when you  extract those logos to be used in other applications.

Right Logo Software for Fixed-size and Scalable Logos

The software such as ‘Logo Smartz’ can prove to be the best software for designing logos in a very quick time. It can be used to draw rough logo initially, and then the design can be customized by using the edit tools given in the software. Though Logo Smartz supports many formats for logos, like JPG, TIFF, PNG, PDF, BMP, GIF and Vector EPS, but JPG and GIF are ideal formats for printing. For the internet, the suitable formats are JPEG and GIF. For making the logo scalable, Vector EPS format can be chosen so that there is least loss of quality when increasing or decreasing the size of the logo.

If you want to keep the size of the logo fixed, it can be saved in the formats PNG, JPG or GIF. Simple animation can be provided to the logo using Logo Smartz. This logo software is also ideal for incorporating photo-realistic components into the logo design for print and web. So, isn’t it really great? I know your answer. Of course, such software can delight anybody.

Try the software and design your logo in a cheap way possible!

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Create Attractive and Impressive Business Stationery?

The people, who are running some business, big or small, need different kinds of stationery materials to advertise their business. They should aim to design business stationery in a creative manner. With the technology becoming advanced, they will come across many different tools and techniques that intend to prepare attractive and impressive stationery effortlessly. It really doesn't matter that what kind of firm you are running… you can prepare right stationery with the business stationery design software and other state-of-art tools available in the market nowadays. These tools will provide you assistance to create unique patterns and designs on the stationery materials such as brochures, newsletters, ads, invitations, envelopes, flyers, letterheads, business cards, address labels and other materials that you may be using in the business. 

business stationery ProThere are many different kinds of stationery design tools in the market that you can easily find out the right tool that will fit your business and requirement. Using a good tool, you will be capable to utilize a wide range of colors and shades to create your business cards, flyers, letterheads or any other material. These tools contain a vast library of designs and images from which you can choose the desired ones for your needs. Business stationery software and tools also help you to add contrast, transparency effects, drop shadow effects and bevel visual effects in the stationery items.
In my opinion, Business Stationery Pro from logosmartz.com is the best product for your needs to design office stationery. In addition to the basic features that are available in any software to design stationery, it has some advanced features also. Those advanced features are discussed as follows:
  • Many visual effects, like arrange, scale, rotate or flip, can be added to the stationery materials with the help of this software.
  • Using this software, you can insert data in any Excel or text file or in database from other files. In this way, the user does not have to waste much time to enter the data manually.
  • Design can be saved on the PC for future use.
  • High resolution stationery items can be made with maximum productivity of 600 dpi.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Designing logos, letterheads or banners to create perfect corporate identity

In online market, there are a number of corporate identity software products available to design identity of a corporation. However, when you use these products, be aware that the logos or banners or letterheads are the tools that demonstrate your ideas and thoughts to your customers present in the outside world. Thus, they should depict your ideas clearly via innovative designs. The bad designs may create problems at the time of putting them in different applications, the reason being that they are not suited to those applications.

For having unique corporate logo design, specialized logo maker tools are available. Your designer should be smart enough to put your values, beliefs, information about your products and all in single piece. The designer should also have required skills to understand the company, its aims and objectives, its services and the staff. A proper combination of good software product and good designer firm will make corporate entity design process a real success.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Create Professional Logo Design With Logo Design Software

For creating brand new identity, it is important to make sure that the pattern created by you of company symbol is unique and attractive. This is because there are going to be hundreds of other company logos out there in the market. You can easily create logo for your company by using good logo design software. LogoSmartz offers a mega logo library that comprises a complete collection of logo templates related to each and every industry. With the use pre-designed templates you can conveniently create professional logo so that capably your message is conveyed.

It might seem that the task of designing is easy or difficult, depending upon the way your perception works. It would be easy for those who have a proper plan on how to start working on the creation, while the ones without a clue on the same would find it extremely tricky to create a design. You could always take help of professional logo design software. In such applications, you would be able to find various amazing features like vector symbols, text styles, arrangement tools, color palettes, Online tutorial, multilingual support, tagline resource and many more.