Monday, December 3, 2012

Imapcts of Redesigning your Logo?

Business Logo Design

The power of business logos lies in their capacity to be recalled by the customers. Usually, the customers memorize a brand because of its products / services, tagline and imagery existence. Thus, the design of a logo is considered as a major cause behind the failure or success of a business. Some logo designs become an immediate hit & captivate the clients, others may take years to get familiarized with the clients.

Even small changes in the logo design can have a large impact on the brand equity. The people who memorize your products or services via your current logo may not be able to recall your business via your new logo. However, sometimes, it is good to make a new logo for your business.
customizable logo samples

Effects of Redesigning Logo

Positive Effects
  • Improves your logo design
  • Updates and strengthens your brand image
  • Increases customers’ attention
  • Redesigning logo means your company is dynamic
  • New customers get attracted to your business

Negative Effects

  • Incurs huge cost
  • It is difficult to relate the new logo design to your business
  • New logo might not be well-liked by some customers
  • New design can harm the business’s goodwill and integrity

Making a Catchy Slogan for Your Logo

To come up with a catchy slogan for your business logo, follow these steps:

  1. Brainstorming – Make a list of all words coming in your mind which describe your company.
  2. Word describing function – Choose the word describing the functional aspect of your product/service. For instance – if you are running a restaurant, the functional aspect of your business will be ‘cuisine’.
  3. Word describing emotion – Select the word defining emotional benefits of your products / services for your customers. For instance – for restaurant, emotional benefit can be ‘mouth-watering’.
  4. Be creative – Don’t use common words that have been used by popular companies and brands. Make it totally unique.


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