Designing is quite difficult when you do not have any idea about what
you really want in a logo. It might be possible that you have already
designed a logo by using some random templates and clip-arts from the
library of any Logo
or Logo
Creating Software,
but you are not satisfied with your work.
you should look at the following tips -
- Great Logo Comes From a Great Idea:
should select a category that defines the type of company and tells
who will be the client that would buy logo. You can show your
creativity only when you have some ideas and know how you can combine
them. However, with ideas, you should have a proper visualization of
client. It would require more research and planning but it worth a
lot to you. With all data and information, you can create a logo that
immediately explains the company and effectively connected with
products and services. When you got your idea about logo, start
sketching it on sheet and try to draw it in different designs, as it
would provide a perfect design to the logo. Remember one thing,
first, you should design in black and white format, then go for the
colors, as it would led to the clearness, legibility and
reproducibility without any distraction.
- Reproducible by Nature:
should be versatile in nature. Logo must be act as the cornerstone of
the brand of the company so that it would be defined as company's
corporate identity. It means that the logo should be reproducible in
nature using various formats and processes and keeping the integrity
of logo as it is utilized. Logo should be versatile to imprint on any
kind of stuff like cards, pens, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. and even
on large signs and billboards. It should look fabulous on screen when
using on website.
- Acceptable to Reversals:
Reversals does not mean to make mirror images of the design. It is a
version of logo file that is created to ensure that the logo will
look great on Dark colored backgrounds or on black background. If
your logo consists dark colors or mid-tone colors, your logo will not
be visible clearly, so you should require another version. All thing
is happening here is about versatility that a user can use its logo
anywhere as per his choice. The best way to get rid of the problem
of invisibility on dark backgrounds is that you can use light colors
or bright colors that are easily visible on dark backgrounds.
- Foundation of Color Palette:
play a vital role in providing eye catching of viewers and customers
towards log. Colors inherit emotions and feelings and this affect the
clients psychologically. The main consideration while making logo is
color combination, since a good combination can create contrast,
balance and weight to help convey our idea. Therefore, there must be
an appropriate color selection.
- Keep It Simple But Effective:
logo simple is good but it also must be effective. It should
communicate with an idea and should be easily reproducible. You
should use the graphics relatively simple to make a logo look
gorgeous and useable in print process and different applications. A
logo with too much simplicity would not grab the attention of
customers and clients. The design would be unique so that it would
differentiate the company from the competitors.
- Typeface Selection:
your logo is ready, now add some text and the company name to it.
This addition of name and text would help the client to get a clear
idea about the logo. A name would be considered as a trademark of the
company, so you should need to research a lot about it. This will
prevent the copyrights of the company logo. Hence, choose the name
and text, as if you have searched for your logo design.
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